I set myself a challenge, to make an audio/visual project from scratch, limited myself to 4 hours from leaving the house to hitting the export button. 

The video was taken with a 50mm 1.8 lens on a Canon 650d. On the Copenhagen 'harbour taxi' towards Reffen where my rehearsal studio resides. Once there, I reviewed the footage and by applying simple mirror effects discovered a 'psychedelic' vibe that was easy to write to. 

It's not often I'll record a bass solo... but time pressure does interesting things to the creative process. I think this will be an exercise I repeat in the future, as 'ridiculous' time windows for projects bypass a lot of 'fluffy' thinking. 

Even though this certainly isn't my greatest work, I was pushed to embrace things that normally don't, and reject others that normally do, occupy my normal creative process.


